Are you moving to Spain and want to bring your car? In this guide we will tell you step by step the procedures you have to do so that you do not drown in paperwork and bureaucracy. We want your process to be as agile as possible so fasten your seatbelt, let's get going.

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Vehicle documentation

To import your car to any region of Spain, you obviously need all the documentation to be in order. The documents you have to have are the following:

  • Contract of sale. If you bought the car at a dealer you must have the invoice with the company's CIF. If you bought it second-hand, you must provide the document that you signed with the private seller.
  • Technical data of the vehicle (registration). This document contains all the official data of the vehicle from the license plate to the frame number, engine characteristics, measurements, brand, model, trade name of the car and the owner's ID, among other information.
  • Certificate of conformity (MOT). Indicates that the vehicle passed the technical inspection in the country of origin.
  • Photocopy of the passport or other identity document of the seller and contact information. In case of being in a different language, you will need an official sworn translation.

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Contact us

If you need help with the procedures related to importing your car, do not hesitate to contact our expert team:




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