We know that moving to another country involves many changes and choosing the best educational center for your children is one of the most important decisions. To choose one educational center or another there are many factors to take into account, some of a personal nature and others related to teaching.
Here we are going to explain in a simple way how the educational system in Andalusia works, the different types of educational centers and their characteristics. We want the best for your children!
In Spain, Education is a common frame of reference and by law the same educational content is taught throughout the country. What does change depending on each school is the methodology.
The autonomous communities, in this case Andalusia, have transferred the powers in matters of Education and enjoy a certain autonomy in making some decisions.

Public, concerted and private education
There are three educational models: public education, concerted education and private education.
Public education
Public education, in general, is of a good standard and is highly regarded by parents. It's free. It is managed by the regional public administration and is secular. Choosing public education guarantees giving your children a good education and training at no cost. Many public centers are bilingual (this means that at least 25% of the subjects are taught in a second language).
Concerted education
It is a mixed system. It is financed with public money from the administration and with private money. It is a very common option. Parents pay a monthly fee that can range between € 100 and € 250 approximately.
Educational centers have the autonomy to offer their own extracurricular activities (for a fee) and invest in education.
They tend to especially encourage sports, go deeper into second language teaching and invest in new technologies as a method of teaching the subjects. They are often religious.
Private education
It is the most elite and the most expensive option. The monthly fee varies depending on the center but on average is around € 1,000. They have a much higher budget. They have advanced technological tools for teaching, rely on bilingualism, follow the British, German, French or North American curriculum and the student body is more international.
Many students are the children of a foreign father or mother who are looking for a school that follows the educational system of their country and guarantees education in their vehicular language.
The Costa del Sol is one of the areas with the highest rate of residents of international origin and where there is a greater concentration of international private schools that follow the British, French, German or North American educational system.
Private schools promote competitiveness and excellence among their educational values.

How does the educational system work?
It is structured in stages according to the age of the student. Some educational stages are compulsory and others are not. Most of these educational stages are free.
Preschool Early Childhood Education (first cycle)
From 4 months to 3 years. This educational stage is not compulsory. It is not free (although there are public daycare centers for low-income families).
The most widespread option are private nurseries. The monthly cost fluctuates between € 200 and € 400, depending on the schedule you choose and the associated services (dining room, morning classroom, etc).
The standard basic schedule is from 9am to 1pm but parents can extend it - upon payment of an extra cost - to adjust it to their work-family reconciliation needs. Many nurseries open from 7am and close at 5pm.
Most parents in Andalusia choose to take their children to a private nursery or to hire a babysitter, sometimes bilingual. Both options are an opportunity for the little one to learn or become familiar with the Spanish language.
Early Childhood Education (second cycle)
From 3 to 6 years. Schooling from 3 years of age is not compulsory but very common.
Free public centers and private payment centers coexist. The cost in the private ones fluctuates depending on the schedule and the services to be used.
There is no standard school schedule. The schedule from 9am to 2pm is common, if the center applies the continuous shift; or from 9am to 4pm if you work a split shift, which implies a two-hour break to eat at home or at the school itself.
Parents can choose a longer schedule tailored to their work-life balance needs. Public and private schools can follow different schedules.
Compulsory education: Primary and Secondary
Compulsory education ranges from 6 to 16 years of age and is made up of two stages: Primary and Secondary. Both are free but you can also opt for education in subsidized centers (mixed public-private financing) or private.
Public education is quality, secular and promotes values of equal opportunities and solidarity. Charter and private schools tend to have more technological means, stronger bilingual education, and may be religious.
Primary education
From 6 to 12 years old. It is compulsory and free.
It comprises six academic courses organized in three cycles of two years each:
Initial cycle: 6 to 8 years
Medium cycle: from 8 to 10 years
Upper cycle: from 10 to 12 years
In public education, parents only have to pay for extra services (morning classroom, dining room, transportation ...). There are scholarships for families with low incomes destined to finance totally or partially the dining room, the morning classroom, the books or the school transport.
Hours: can be a continuous day (9 a.m. to 2 p.m.) or a departure (9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and approximately 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.).
Each school can choose which format of the school day to follow. The study of the second foreign language has been implemented in all public primary schools in Andalusia.
Check here the admission criteria to study Primary Education in a public center.
Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO)
Compulsory and free stage, ranges from 12 to 16 years of age.
It consists of four academic courses divided into two cycles:
First cycle from 12 to 14 years
Second cycle from 14 to 16 years old
A maximum of two courses can be repeated.
At the end of ESO, the Schooling Certificate is issued, which includes the years and subjects studied.
Check here the admission criteria to study ESO in a public educational center.
After completing the compulsory secondary stage, students can continue studying the so-called Baccalaureate or specialize in a profession by completing a training cycle.
High school
It is the option chosen when the student wants to pursue a university degree.
This stage lasts two years, from 16 to 18 years of age.
Hours: from 8 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.
Common and specific subjects are taught. There are different types of baccalaureate degrees adapted to the main areas of university education: social, technological, scientific and humanistic. The objective is that the student begins to specialize during the Baccalaureate.
At the end of these two years, the student must take the Selectividad (the compulsory exam to enter the university). Access to the university degree is marked by the grade obtained in the Selectivity and the minimum mark required for the chosen degree.
Vocational training
It is the alternative for students who, at the end of ESO, prioritize being able to work soon. To do this, they specialize in a trade by completing a training cycle. There are two levels: middle cycle and upper cycle. Each lasts two years.
The student can choose between professional training, professional teaching of plastic arts and design or intermediate level sports training.
Students who have completed vocational training may continue their training and enter the university directly from the training cycle or enter the labor market.

School calendar
The school year normally begins in the first fortnight of September and ends in the middle or end of June. July and August are full summer vacation months.
Depending on the educational stage, registration for the academic year is usually done in the month of March and April, many subsidized and private centers hold open days to show their facilities and attract new students.

Useful tips for choosing the school of your children
Personally visit different centers. It does not matter if you are looking for a nursery, a school or an institute. Go, inspect them and talk to the teachers or the principal about the educational project and the values of the education they teach.
Ask the responsible teaching staff the questions that interest you the most for your choice: educational programs, learning method, languages, prices, use of new technologies, religion, complementary services menu (dining room, transport, sports, etc.).
You can also consult information prior to the visit on the educational centers' web pages. You can use it as a filter to select those that best suit what you are looking for.
Talk to other parents in a similar situation (there are many expat communities on social media). Your opinion will be very valuable.
Take into account factors such as the existence or not of public transport from your home to the school, the distance, the flexibility of the students' stay hours, etc.

Links of interest and schools list
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