The use of the mask in Spain will cease to be mandatory in outdoor places as of June 26 as long as the distance of one and a half meters between people is kept. This was announced this Friday, June 18, by the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, after several weeks of debating this issue.

The federal/co-governance model in Spain between the central government and the regional governments for the management of the pandemic gives the regions freedom to adopt or not the measures of the Government of the Nation. However, in Andalusia it is already known that the mask will not be mandatory from June 26. The President of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno -main political official in the Autonomous Community- has reacted to the announcement of President Sánchez confirming that he will apply the measure from the same day 26 and, therefore, the mask will not be mandatory in outdoor spaces in Andalusia, whose use will be reduced from mandatory to “recommended”.

The federal government has adopted this decision after the request made by a large part of the autonomous communities, which had been demanding it since May as a result of the decrease in infections and the notable increase in the rate of vaccination.

Many countries have already taken the same measure: France, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Poland or the United States, among others. Now Spain joins them, whose government will hold an extraordinary Council of Ministers on the 24th (representative Assembly in which the proposals of the Spanish Government are approved or rejected) in which it will propose that the mask is not mandatory in outdoor spaces from the June 26 as long as the separation between people is fulfilled.


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