In our blog we are adding a variety of useful information on working remotely in Andalucia.

The cost of living in Andalucía

If you are wondering if living in Andalucía is cheaper than doing it in other regions of Europe, the answer is yes. The relationship between cost of living and quality of life in Andalucía make this autonomous community in southern Spain one of the most attractive options in the world for living and working remotely.

Practical guide: Public Health in Andalucía for foreigners

Health is an aspect that concerns us all, especially when we move to live in another country. What will public health be like there? Do I have the right to medical attention or should I take out private insurance? These are some doubts that assail us. In this article we explain how public health works in Andalucía, who is entitled to it and the services and medical coverage it offers.

How to choose the best school for my children?

We know that moving to another country involves many changes and choosing the best educational center for your children is one of the most important decisions. To choose one educational center or another there are many factors to take into account, some of a personal nature and others related to teaching.

Travelling with your pet from abroad to Andalucia

Are you moving to Andalusia and want to bring your pet? A pet is an important part of a person’s life and another member of the family. If you have a dog, a cat or another pet and you are going to move from a foreign country to any region of Spain, you are interested in knowing that, like humans, they must meet a series of legal requirements and previously have specific documentation to enter in Spanish territory.



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