The event takes place on June 23rd in Montecorto (Serranía de Ronda, Málaga) and will address opportunities to revitalize the economy in rural areas and attract talent

Telework Andalucía will participate on June 23rd in the conference 'Active Towns, Living Towns' organized by the Rural Affairs Committee of the Spanish Institute of Engineering (IIE) at the 'Montelucía' Center for Entrepreneurial Promotion, in the municipality of Montecorto ( Sierra de Ronda), with the presentation titled 'Attracting talent: teleworking and digital nomads in rural areas'.

In this day, the opportunities to revitalize the rural economy, attract talent and establish population in the towns will be discussed as a premise to achieve the socioeconomic, demographic and environmental balance of Spain in general, and of small municipalities in particular.

The fight against rural depopulation goes through the settlement of the population in the municipalities, for which it is vital to generate new employment opportunities capable of retaining, returning and attracting talent that generates entrepreneurial ambience in rural areas. In this context, new technologies make it possible for numerous professional activities that have traditionally been developed from an urban environment, now also to be approached from rural areas.

Three personal stories

In the first presentation, the coordinator of Rural Development of the Botín Foundation, Bruno Sánchez Briñas, and the managing partner of Rurápolis, Miguel Ángel Molinero, will present the experience of regional transformation in the Nansa Valley (Cantabria) as well as good practices and aspects key for the socioeconomic development of the territory within the framework of the Serranía de Ronda, where 'Montelucía' is located.

In the second presentation, which will be offered by the promoters of, Sara Cantos and Costas Hadjisotiriou, the rural opportunities associated with teleworking, the attraction of digital nomads and remote workers to rural areas and the potential of towns to live and work.

Lastly, the promoter of the Centro de Impulso Emprendedor 'Montelucía', José Joaquín García Moreno, will present this project aimed at stimulating entrepreneurship and facilitating the establishment of entrepreneurs in rural areas, which is launched with the celebration of this day.

Registration can be done on the IIE website or by calling +34 91 319 74 17. The conference will be broadcast live and can be followed through this link.


6:18 p.m. Welcome to attendees and presentation of the Conference.
Mr Jose Trigueros. President of the Institute of Engineering of Spain.
Mr Domingo Gomez Orea. Dr. Agronomist Engineer. President of the Rural Affairs Committee of the IIE.

6:30 p.m. Introduction to the day and presentation of the speakers.
Ms Cristina Luna de Maria Toledo. Industrial Engineer. Member of the Rural Affairs Committee.

6:40 p.m. Revitalizing regions: from the Nansa Valley to the Serranía de Ronda
Mr Bruno Sánchez Briñas. Bachelor of ADE. Rural Development Coordinator of the Botín Foundation.
Mr Miguel Ángel Molinero Espadas. Agricultural engineer. Managing partner of Rurápolis and Member of the College of Agricultural Engineers of Andalusia.

7:05 p.m. Attracting talent: teleworking and digital nomads in rural areas.
Ms Sara Cantos Garcia. Journalist. Founding member of Telework Andalucía.
Mr Costas Hadjisotiriou. Environmental Engineer. Founding partner of Telework Andalucía.

7:30 p.m. Undertaking from MONTECORTO: "Grain by grain, sowing the future".
Mr José Joaquín García Moreno. Industrial Engineer. Entrepreneurial Promotion Center 'Montelucía'.

7:55 p.m. Discussion: moderated by Ms Cristina Luna de Maria Toledo. Industrial Engineer. Member of the Rural Affairs Committee.

8:20 p.m. End of event

About the Institute of Engineering of Spain

The Institute of Engineering of Spain is the federation of associations of Engineers that brings together the following branches of Spanish Engineering: Association of Aeronautical Engineers of Spain, National Association of Agricultural Engineers, Association of Civil Engineers, Canals and Ports, Federation of Associations of Industrial Engineers of Spain, National Association of Engineers of the I.C.A.I., National Association of Mining Engineers, Association of Forestry Engineers, Association of Naval and Ocean Engineers of Spain and the Spanish Association of Telecommunications Engineers.

Through these nine associations, the IIE brings together more than 100,000 engineers from various specialties, who carry out their activity in the various Autonomous Communities of the State, both in the private and public spheres.


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