Sustainable coastal tourism, Renewable energies or Aquaculture are specialties of the courses that the Free Trade Zone of Cádiz has launched for any interested persons

The Cádiz Free Trade Zone has drawn up a plan for training courses in entrepreneurship and the Blue Economy that starts in June, is free and is open to all citizens. This specialized program adds 3,000 hours of training and is freely accessible because the objective, in addition to teaching and training, is to generate an entrepreneurial spirit and interest in the environment and the blue economy, explained the State delegate in the Cádiz Free Zone Fran Gonzalez.

The new initiative is part of the actions being developed by the Blue Economy incubator of the Cadiz Free Zone, Incubazul, although it is not a requirement to be housed in the incubator or to be part of it to enroll in the courses.

Blueway training itineraries

The courses are organized in training itineraries with a part of face-to-face teaching and another online. This methodology combines in-situ classes at the headquarters of the Incubazul High Technology Incubator (in Cádiz), with complementary online training and personalized tutorials to monitor the evolution and needs of each participant.

The courses contain common elements in entrepreneurship and blue economy, and a specialization: aquaculture, sustainable tourism and renewable energies.

The first training itinerary brings together three blocks: The Blue Economy, How to undertake successfully and Coastal and Sustainable Tourism. The first of the courses will start on June 1 and will be held in two phases - from June 1 to July 22; and from September 5 to 31 - with a total of 118 teaching hours, of which 55 will be face-to-face and 55 online, in addition to 8 practical hours in the virtual classroom.

The second itinerary has 182 teaching hours (45 face-to-face, 129 online and 8 practical hours in the virtual classroom) and also includes Aquaculture.

Training itineraries available

- Blueway itinerary of entrepreneurship and sustainable coastal tourism
- Blueway itinerary for entrepreneurship and aquaculture

Transversal training itineraries:
Transversal training itinerary 1: How to undertake successfully (182 hours)
Transversal training itinerary 2: The blue economy (118 hours)

Specific training itineraries:
Specific training itinerary 1: Aquaculture (200 hours)
Specific training itinerary 2: Coastal and sustainable tourism (200 hours)

How to take part

Interested people can register using this form or send their query to [email protected]

More details about the courses, in this link.


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