Κορυφαία σημεία μετεγκατάστασης για Βρετανούς ψηφιακούς νομάδες στην Ανδαλουσία [έκδοση 2025]
Η Ανδαλουσία έχει καταταχθεί ως ένας από τους κορυφαίους προορισμούς μετεγκατάστασης εδώ και πολλά χρόνια, ιδιαίτερα με Βρετανούς απομακρυσμένους εργαζόμενους και ψηφιακούς νομάδες που αναζητούν έναν συνδυασμό υγιεινού τρόπου ζωής…
Πώς να επεκτείνετε την καριέρα σας ως ελεύθερος επαγγελματίας σε πολλές περιοχές
Σήμερα, η οικονομία των συναυλιών έχει ενθαρρύνει τους ελεύθερους επαγγελματίες να εξερευνήσουν ευκαιρίες πέρα από τη χώρα γέννησής τους. Με την άνοδο της τηλεργασίας, την αυξημένη διασύνδεση και τις άφθονες…
Είναι η Ανδαλουσία ένα καλό μέρος για συνταξιοδότηση;
Η Ανδαλουσία, η ηλιόλουστη νότια περιοχή της Ισπανίας, είναι εδώ και καιρό αγαπημένο μέρος για τουρίστες, νομάδες και επενδυτές ακινήτων ομοίως. Ωστόσο, έχετε σκεφτεί εάν η Ανδαλουσία αξίζει να εξεταστεί…
Ο οδηγός του digital nomad για επενδύσεις σε ισπανικά ακίνητα
Η άνοδος της εξ αποστάσεως εργασίας γέννησε μια νέα γενιά ψηφιακών νομάδων. Καθώς οι φορητοί υπολογιστές και οι αξιόπιστες συνδέσεις στο Διαδίκτυο αποτελούν τις μόνες απαιτήσεις γραφείου, οι σύγχρονοι περιπλανώμενοι…
Κίνδυνοι ασφάλειας απομακρυσμένης εργασίας και πώς να τους ξεπεράσετε
Η άνοδος της απομακρυσμένης εργασίας και της τηλεργασίας έχει εισαγάγει μια πληθώρα επαγγελματικών και προσωπικών οφελών για επιχειρήσεις και ιδιώτες. Από τη βελτίωση της ισορροπίας μεταξύ επαγγελματικής και προσωπικής ζωής…
Εσωτερικές στρατηγικές για την εύρεση της τέλειας διαμονής ως απομακρυσμένος εργαζόμενος
Με την άνοδο της εξ αποστάσεως εργασίας, ένας αυξανόμενος αριθμός επαγγελματιών παίρνουν τη δουλειά τους στο δρόμο. Δεν είναι πλέον συνδεδεμένοι με ένα φυσικό γραφείο, οι απομακρυσμένοι εργαζόμενοι έχουν την…
Η Μάλαγα συνεχίζει την τάση προσέλκυσης εταιρειών τεχνολογίας
Η πόλη της Μάλαγα προσελκύει μια πληθώρα τεχνολογικών εταιρειών τα τελευταία χρόνια, με την εύστοχη ονομασία “Malaga Valley”: ένα καινοτόμο οικοσύστημα μιας ποικιλίας ψηφιακών και άλλων τεχνολογικών τομέων. Η Μάλαγα,…
Φορολογικά και άλλα οικονομικά πλεονεκτήματα της ζωής στην Ανδαλουσία
Η Ισπανία γενικά έχει ένα σχετικά ήπιο φορολογικό καθεστώς, για τους ψηφιακούς νομάδες και τους τακτικούς υπαλλήλους. Ωστόσο, η Ανδαλουσία προσφέρει ορισμένα πρόσθετα πλεονεκτήματα όσον αφορά την ελαχιστοποίηση των φορολογικών…
Το φεστιβάλ Córdoba Patios τον Μάιο είναι ένα αγαπημένο γεγονός στην Ανδαλουσία
Οι κάτοικοι της Cordoba στην Ανδαλουσία καλωσορίζουν τους επισκέπτες στις ιδιωτικές τους αυλές τον Μάιο για να εκπλαγούν από τις περίτεχνες συνθέσεις λουλουδιών τους. Τιμά την εξαιρετική διακόσμηση της εσωτερικής…
Κατανόηση των φορολογικών σας υποχρεώσεων ως τηλεργαζόμενος στην Ισπανία
Οι φόροι μπορεί να φαίνονται μπερδεμένοι όταν κερδίζετε εισόδημα εξ αποστάσεως σε μια ξένη χώρα. Μπορεί να μην είστε σίγουροι αν θεωρείστε φορολογικός κάτοικος Ισπανίας, για παράδειγμα, ή πώς διαφέρουν…
Πώς να εξισορροπήσετε την εργασία και την ευημερία ως ελεύθερος επαγγελματίας εξ αποστάσεως
Η εργασία από το σπίτι ως ελεύθερος επαγγελματίας σίγουρα παρέχει ευελιξία, αλλά μπορεί επίσης να οδηγήσει σε καθιστικό τρόπο ζωής αν δεν είστε προσεκτικοί. Όταν δεν χρειάζεται να μετακινηθείτε σε…
Ενημέρωση σχετικά με τις απαιτήσεις εισοδήματος και τον φορολογικό συντελεστή Digital Nomad Visa
Οι εξ αποστάσεως εργαζόμενοι εκτός ΕΕ και οι ψηφιακοί νομάδες που μετακόμισαν στην Ισπανία το 2023 χάρη στο νόμο για τις νεοσύστατες επιχειρήσεις και τη νέα βίζα ψηφιακού νομαδού (DNV)…
Ξεχωρίστε στους απομακρυσμένους πελάτες: Πώς να δημιουργήσετε ένα εντυπωσιακό διαδικτυακό χαρτοφυλάκιο
Η κατοχή ενός ισχυρού διαδικτυακού χαρτοφυλακίου είναι ζωτικής σημασίας για τους απομακρυσμένους εργαζόμενους και τους ελεύθερους επαγγελματίες που θέλουν να προσελκύσουν πελάτες σε μια ανταγωνιστική αγορά. Η ψηφιακή παρουσία και…
Οι περιοχές στην Ανδαλουσία με τις καλύτερες ευρυζωνικές συνδέσεις
Η Ισπανία διαθέτει ένα αξιοζήλευτο τηλεπικοινωνιακό δίκτυο, όπου η κάλυψη οπτικών ινών με ταχύτητες άνω των 100 Mbps φτάνει το 88 τοις εκατό του πληθυσμού. Τα 660.000 ισπανικά σπίτια που…
Πρακτικές λεπτομέρειες σχετικά με τη μη προσοδοφόρα βίζα στην Ισπανία
Το κύριο πλεονέκτημα αυτής της ειδικής μη προσοδοφόρας βίζας διαμονής (NLV) είναι ότι οι υπήκοοι τρίτων χωρών μπορούν να παρακάμψουν τον περιορισμό της εξόδου από τη χώρα κάθε 90 ημέρες….
Οι χώροι coliving γίνονται όλο και πιο δημοφιλείς με τους τηλεργαζόμενους
Ένα κλασικό πρόβλημα που αντιμετωπίζουν οι ψηφιακοί νομάδες στα ταξίδια τους είναι η διαθεσιμότητα μεσοπρόθεσμων καταλυμάτων κατάλληλων για εργασία. Οι βραχυπρόθεσμες διαμονές σε ξενοδοχεία και Airbnb μπορεί να είναι δαπανηρές…
Πρακτικές λεπτομέρειες σχετικά με την Digital Nomad Visa στην Ισπανία
Το ειδικό φορολογικό καθεστώς για το Digital Nomads δεν είναι ακόμη διαθέσιμο Όταν η ιδέα της ψηφιακής νομαδικής βίζας της Ισπανίας (DNV) εισήχθη για πρώτη φορά από την ισπανική κυβέρνηση…
SEO για ελεύθερους επαγγελματίες που εργάζονται εξ αποστάσεως
Ως απομακρυσμένος ελεύθερος επαγγελματίας, η ισχυρή βελτιστοποίηση μηχανών αναζήτησης (SEO) είναι ζωτικής σημασίας για να φέρετε τις υπηρεσίες σας μπροστά σε πιθανούς τοπικούς πελάτες που αναζητούν στο διαδίκτυο. Με τόσο…
Χρήσιμος πόρος για τηλεργαζόμενους στην Ισπανία: Επιχορήγηση “Digital Kit”.
Η κυβέρνηση της Ισπανίας εξέδωσε επιχορήγηση ειδικά σχεδιασμένη για την ψηφιοποίηση μικρών και μεσαίων επιχειρήσεων Το Υπουργείο Βιομηχανίας της Ισπανίας προσφέρει σε κάθε εταιρεία ή ανεξάρτητο εργολάβο (“autonomo”) που είναι…
Why Andalucia is well suited to a new life in Spain
With its enviable climate, laid-back lifestyle and affordable cost of living, Andalucia has emerged as a top spot for professionals looking to relocate abroad. Nestled along Spain’s sunny southern coastline,…
Telework Andalucía, speaker at the conference ‘Active Towns, Living Towns’ organized by the Institute of Engineering of Spain
The event takes place on June 23rd in Montecorto (Serranía de Ronda, Málaga) and will address opportunities to revitalize the economy in rural areas and attract talent Telework Andalucía will…
How to maximise cybersecurity when teleworking
One positive outcome from the pandemic has been the widespread adoption of teleworking (also referred to as remote working). While some business leaders were initially sceptical, teleworking has now become…
Andalucia launches a campaign to attract European digital nomads and energy nomads
The action will take place in ten countries in central and northern Europe and will have a special impact on Great Britain and Germany Andalucia has taken a step forward…
The Spanish visa for digital nomads and the Startups Law have been formally approved
The Congress of Deputies has definitively approved the Law on Startups that includes a visa for digital nomads, among other measures to promote entrepreneurship, attract talent and work remotely from…
Cádiz wants to attract teleworkers and digital nomads
Telework Andalucía, in collaboration with the Association of Tourism Companies of the province of Cádiz (AETC), organized the 1st Conference on Teleworking and Nomadic Tourism in the province of Cádiz…
Digital nomad jobs to fund your life abroad
Technology has made it possible to work from any location for so many roles. If you have the desire to travel and explore the world, what better way to fund…
The Spanish visa for digital nomads will come into effect on 1 January 2023
Digital nomads who want to carry out their professional activity from Spain will have it very easy as of January 1, 2023, the date on which the specific visa for…
Spain eliminates health controls for all travellers from third countries
From this Friday, October 21, Spain eliminates all health controls for travellers arriving from any country to Spanish territory, including the borders with Ceuta and Melilla. According to the resolution…
New York and Malaga, united with direct flight from next summer
The capital of the Costa del Sol recovers this direct flight with the USA after two inoperable years The American airline United Airlines has announced that Malaga and New York…
4 tips for recently arrived digital nomads in Andalucia
The south of Spain has been a popular destination for British holidaymakers, wealthy expats and retirees for over half a century. In recent years, a new younger demographic has joined…
5 tips for moving to Spain
Spain is one of the main destinations chosen by British citizens to live abroad. In fact, it has been on the list of the top five destinations for expats for…
Best places to live and work in Andalucia as a digital nomad
We’ve all thought of the prospect of ditching the nine to five and travelling the world, working wherever we fancy exploring next. And with the rise in technological options available…
Immigration Law of Spain updated: more work facilities for foreigners
Spain will soon update the Regulations of the Immigration Law which, after several years since its approval, is beginning to be outdated, especially in aspects related to the labor market….
The coworking sector in Spain: analysis of a business on the rise
How much money does the coworking business move in Spain? How much does it cost per month to work from a coworking space? Where can you find one? Telecommuting and…
Teleworking from a village in Andalucia: advantages, requirements, and 11 destinations
The return to the rural is already a trend. Teleworking has driven an exodus to the rural environment. We have discovered that villages offer the necessary conditions to develop a…
Bolonia, second best beach in Europe
Bolonia beach, in Tarifa (Spain), has been chosen as the second best in Europe by European Best Destinations, a travel and tourism website specializing in European destinations. The digital platform…
Tools for remote working in 2022
Introduction Since 2020, remote work has grown globally. The number of remote workers, job searches for remote work and job offers of this modality on specialized platforms and websites have…
Self-employed in Spain Part 2: Deductible expenses in 2022
Shortcuts: Introduction | Deduct IVA expenses | What expenses can I include? | Evidence to obtain | Contact us Introduction When we speak in Spain of deduction of expenses for…
Self-employed foreigner in Spain Part 1: monthly fee, taxes, contributions
Foreign self-employed workers in Spain have not stopped growing in the last decade. Of the more than 3.3 million self-employed workers that there are today, nearly 400,000 are from another…
15 frequently asked questions about healthcare in Spain after Brexit answered by the UK embassy
Are you a UK citizen and don’t know if you can access free healthcare in Spain after Brexit? Not sure if the TSE is still valid when visiting Spain? What happens to my health coverage if I move permanently to my second residence in Spain but I don’t work? If I am British and want to move to Spain and work as a freelancer, do I need health insurance? Answers in this post.
Vodafone opens its R&D center for the whole of Europe in Malaga
Vodafone presented this Monday, January 31, in Malaga its European Research and Development center in which it will invest 225 million over the next five years and will centralize its…
Types of work permits for foreigners in Spain
How long have you been thinking of coming to live in Spain and work here or from here? To do this you must have a work permit. However, this requirement…
Teleworking in 2022: 20 benefits for workers, companies and society
Shortcuts: Introduction | Personal benefits for the worker | Benefits for the company | Benefits for society | Contact us Teleworking is not something new. The technology has been around…
Spain launches a program to attract talent aimed at all businesswomen and entrepreneurs in the European Union
The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, through the EOI Foundation, has launched the Female Entrepreneurship Attraction Program that aims to attract to Spain entrepreneurial projects led and managed by…
Malaga is the second best city in the world for expats seeking quality of life
Worldwide popularity Malaga is the second best-rated city in the world to live and work according to the InterNations Expat Insider 2021 survey, in which 12,000 members of this popular…
Spain approves the draft of the Startups Law that includes a five-year visa for digital nomads
The Council of Ministers approved this Friday the Bill of Startups that establishes a battery of fiscal measures, the elimination of bureaucratic obstacles, the flexibility of procedures and the articulation…
Work and residence permit in Spain for highly qualified professionals from outside the EU
The work permit for highly qualified professionals is one of the most interesting options for many foreigners who want to come to live in Spain, alone or with their families….
Where should digital nomads in Spain declare their taxes?
Digitization and the pandemic have accelerated the transformation of the global labor market and the introduction of new forms of work, whether teleworking from home or working remotely from any…
[UPDATE] UK and Spain extend deadline for exchanging British driving licenses of Spain residents
Shortcuts: Summary | Pre-registered drivers | Not pre-registered drivers | Third countries Summary British residents in Spain with a UK driving license who have not yet made the exchange…
23 websites to find remote work vacancies
The number of web portals with offers to telecommute does not stop growing. At the same time, more and more professionals are considering the possibility of abandoning physical presence and…
Work with a laptop from wherever you want
📌 [VIDEO] If you can work with a laptop from wherever you want, Andalucia, southern Spain, is waiting for you. At https://www.teleworkandalucia.com/ we want you to work in a sunny…
87 companies offer remote jobs for digital nomads in Spain
Are you a digital nomad in Spain? Do you work remotely but want to look for new opportunities and don’t know where to start? It does not matter if you…
Teleworking Law in Spain: Fines to companies that violate the law from 1st October 2021
Shortcuts: Summary | What is considered Teleworking | Fines and sanctions | Considerations Summary As of October 1, the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate of the Government of Spain…
5 Andalusian cities for feeling like on vacation while you telework
Working and perceiving being on vacation is possible, at least in Andalucía. That in the south of Spain there are many of the best beaches in Spain and the Mediterranean…
New visa for Digital Nomads and foreigners who telework from Spain
The Government of Spain is immersed in the drafting of the so-called Startup Law which introduces unprecedented new features and advantages for the international community
Ten beaches of Andalucía that you cannot miss
Andalucia in southern Spain has almost a thousand kilometers of coastline, a distance greater than that separating Paris from Berlin, but with more sun. This immense coastline bathed by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean is dotted with impressive beaches and dreamy coves, each with its own personality and uniqueness
How to bring your car to Spain, step by step guide
Are you moving to Spain and want to bring your car? In this guide we will tell you step by step the procedures you have to do so that you do not drown in paperwork and bureaucracy.
BREXIT: The Spanish Government extends the validity of the UK driving license to October 31
The Spanish Government has announced that it is extending to October 31 the validity of UK driver’s licenses that have not yet been exchanged for a Spanish one
Covid masks will not be mandatory outdoors from June 26
The use of the mask in Spain will cease to be mandatory in outdoor places as of June 26 as long as the distance of one and a half meters between people is kept
Residency: how to register your address in Andalucía step by step guide
If you have decided to come to Andalucía or another region of Spain to live, it is beneficial to register with the local municipality. In this post we explain what the registry (“padrón”) is, what is the use of registering, and how to do this important and simple procedure.
The cost of living in Andalucía
If you are wondering if living in Andalucía is cheaper than doing it in other regions of Europe, the answer is yes. The relationship between cost of living and quality of life in Andalucía make this autonomous community in southern Spain one of the most attractive options in the world for living and working remotely.
Andalucía, a very desirable safe destination
Andalucía, in southern Spain, is one of the most desirable safe destinations in the world to visit in 2021. In fact, travelers from Spain, the United Kingdom, and Germany consider Andalucía their favorite destination for their holidays this year.
10 reasons to move to Andalucía and work from there
Andalucía, southern Spain, is one of the most valued places in the world to live and enjoy peacefully and safely. The climate, the beaches, the gastronomy, the quality of health, the cheap housing prices and the way of understanding life in Andalucía seduce many foreigners every year.
From 28th April 2021 it is cheaper to buy a home in Andalucia
From April 28, 2021 it is cheaper to buy a second-hand house in Andalucia. This is due to the fact that the Andalusian Government has approved to lower the Property Transfer Tax (ITP)
Medical insurance for foreigners in Andalucia: Complete guide
To move to live temporarily in another country, it is important to take out medical health insurance. In many circumstances it is a mandatory requirement to obtain the visa to enter the country (Spain) or the residence permit.
Practical guide: Public Health in Andalucía for foreigners
Health is an aspect that concerns us all, especially when we move to live in another country. What will public health be like there? Do I have the right to medical attention or should I take out private insurance? These are some doubts that assail us. In this article we explain how public health works in Andalucía, who is entitled to it and the services and medical coverage it offers.
How to choose the best school for my children?
We know that moving to another country involves many changes and choosing the best educational center for your children is one of the most important decisions. To choose one educational center or another there are many factors to take into account, some of a personal nature and others related to teaching.
Travelling with your pet from abroad to Andalucia
Are you moving to Andalusia and want to bring your pet? A pet is an important part of a person’s life and another member of the family. If you have a dog, a cat or another pet and you are going to move from a foreign country to any region of Spain, you are interested in knowing that, like humans, they must meet a series of legal requirements and previously have specific documentation to enter in Spanish territory.
Can I drive in Spain with my foreign license?
To drive in Spain you must be at least 18 years old and have a driving license. Driving in Spain as a foreigner requires different requirements that depend on the driver’s country of origin and circumstances such as having or not having residence in Spain.
Golden Visa: residence permit in exchange for investing in Spain
Given the few requirements that this residence permit requires, the Golden Visa is one of the most demanded visas. It is a residence visa that is issued to non-EU citizens who invest in Spain in real estate or real estate worth 500,000 euros or more.
What taxes and expenses do I have to pay when buying a home in Andalucia?
Spain is not one of the countries in Europe with the highest tax burden, but you should know that the taxes and expenses related to the purchase of a property will raise the price that you will finally pay between 10% and 15%.
Guide to buying a home in Andalucia – FAQs
After obtaining your residence permit and your NIE, you may want to buy a property to live in instead of opting for the rental formula. Andalucia is one of the regions of Spain most in demand by foreign customers.
Freelance remote worker (Non Lucrative Visa): What should I know before moving to Andalucia to telework?
There are different types of visas to work in Spanish territory as a foreign citizen, but one in particular fits very well to the figure of freelance and authorizes to work remotely: the non-profit visa.
5 basic tips for moving to Andalucía
Before saying goodbye to stress and starting your new life in one of the telework paradises, you must take into account a series of aspects so that your relocation project to Andalusia is a success.