Congratulations! You have already made the most important decision and you are about to start a new stage. Andalucía will surprise you and you will love living and continuing your professional career as a freelance here. But first of all, you must know what type of visa you need. There are different types of visas to work in Spanish territory as a foreign citizen, but one in particular fits very well to the figure of freelance and authorizes to work remotely: the non-profit visa.

This residence permit does not authorize you to work in Spain for a Spanish company or to open a headquarters or branch of your company here, but it does allow you to work remotely for other companies located abroad or to work with your projects as a freelancer.

In addition, the requirements to apply for this visa are basic and its processing is fast. You just have to prove that you have enough money in a bank account to support yourself and be able to live in your new city (26,000 euros), take out private health insurance and voilà. That is all.

If you do not know how long you will stay to live in Andalucía, do not worry. Don't be in a hurry. With this visa you will be able to stay one year with the possibility of renewing another two and even two more supplementary ones. If after these five years you have not left Spain, you can request permanent residence. It is very possible that you see yourself in this scenario. We warn you that you are going to like your new freelance life in southern Spain.

In order for you to optimally manage your work time and your personal life, we leave you practical information about the hours of life in Andalucía. (In Spain they are different from the vast majority of other European countries).

Approximate hours:

- The working day in the public administration is from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., in private companies from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. (you stop for two hours to eat) and most shops and businesses open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. The shopping centers are open continuously from 10 am to 10 pm.

- Public administrations and banks are open to the public from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

- From 2.30 to 3.30 pm it is time for lunch, which being the main meal of the day is done in a relaxed way. Weekends lengthen with the after-dinner session.

- 5.30 pm-6pm is snack time.

- 21.30-22 is dinner time.


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