The work permit for highly qualified professionals is one of the most interesting options for many foreigners who want to come to live in Spain, alone or with their families. It is a residence permit that is granted to citizens from outside the European Union who access a highly specialized technical job, or a managerial position in Spain. For example, executives, managers, team leaders, or technology positions are among the most common eligible profiles.

This visa is regulated by the so-called Law in Support of Entrepreneurs and their internalization (Law 14/2013) created to attract talent and enhance the competitiveness of the Spanish economy through facilities for foreign professionals. With this visa the bureaucracy is greatly simplified. For example, it can be requested electronically.

Who is recognized by law as "highly qualified professional"?

This assessment is carried out individually for each applicant, taking into account, among other factors, the university degree, professional experience, job profile, functions to be performed, adequate remuneration, etc.

Therefore, this visa enables to reside and work in Spain to:

• Highly qualified managerial or professional staff of a large company
• Highly qualified managerial or professional staff of a company within a group of companies
• Small and Medium Enterprises staff in strategic sectors for Spain
• Highly qualified managerial or professional staff of business projects of general interest
• Graduates and postgraduates from prestigious universities and business schools in Spain, regardless of the company's profile.

How long can they reside in Spain?

Another great advantage is that it allows you to reside and work throughout the Spanish national territory for two years, renewable, with the option after five years of stay to apply for permanent residence as long as the employment relationship with the company continues to exist.

Benefits of this permit

In addition to allowing you to live and work legally in Spain, this visa allows:

• Move freely through the Schengen zone. It is valid in 25 of the 27 EU countries (it does not include Denmark and Ireland)
• Bring your family to Spain
• The years accumulated under this residence count towards Spanish nationality

Where and how to process the visa?

Foreign citizens interested in obtaining it can do so from their country of origin or residence, or from Spain, where they must be in legally resident. This is a great advantage because it implies that if the worker is in Spain with a tourist, student or non-profit visa, s/he can apply for it.

If s/he is abroad, he must request the residence permit at the Spanish consulate of his country of origin or residence. Once granted, s/he will receive the visa and will be able to enter Spain, register his/her fingerprints and obtain the TIE (residence card).

This work permit is always linked to the job offer of the company and it will be the company that starts the process. The permit, in short, is granted to the company so that the worker can work here. The Large Companies Unit (Unidad de Grandes Empresas) is the entity in charge of managing the requests.

Requirements to apply for a visa as a highly qualified worker

• Being over 18 years
• Be a non-European Union citizen (EU citizens do not need to apply for a residence permit)
• Not have a criminal record, both in Spain and in any other country
• Have social security with full coverage in Spain (public or private)
• Not be residing in Spain in an irregular situation

Always seek professional advice from qualified professionals who can advise you on your specific needs. Have your initial free consultation with our experts.


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