Spain is one of the main destinations chosen by British citizens to live abroad. In fact, it has been on the list of the top five destinations for expats for several years. The country offers interesting opportunities for people who want to start a new life in another country or advance their professional careers. Its cultural richness, gastronomy and lifestyle are aspects highly valued by foreigners when choosing Spain to establish their residence temporarily or indefinitely.

To do this, you will need to apply for a Schengen visa, which allows tourists to enter Spain and all other countries in the Schengen area for a period of 90 days. If your main destination is Spain, you will need to apply for this visa at a Spanish consulate or embassy in your country of residence. Once the Schengen visa application has been resolved, you will be able to start a new time in Spain.

Before taking this step there are five important things to know:

1. Get the NIE number

You must obtain a NIE number (Foreigner Identification Number), which is an identification number that you will be obliged to use to carry out a multitude of procedures and activities. For example, you will need to have a NIE number to start a business, buy a property, obtain a residence card, open a bank account, etc. The NIE is essential in Spain and before the Spanish administration.

The NIE is only issued once, that is, the NIE never changes and is something that must be kept for life.

2. The residence card or permit

Once the NIE is obtained, the next thing is to obtain the residence card. The TIE card is a document that ensures your rights in everything related to social security, residence and free movement in Spain. It is recommended that before moving you familiarize yourself with the immigration system in Spain to know what is best for you according to your objective.

If you are from the European Union and only plan to stay three months in Spain, you need to request an EU registration certificate. If you are going to stay for more than three months, you are obliged to apply for a standard residence permit.

Citizens of European Union countries, most Latin American countries, the US, South Korea or Canada, among others, do not require a visa for visits to Spain of less than 90 days. You can check the full list here.

To move to Spain to work or live for more than 90 days you will need to apply for a residence permit. There are differences between residence permits in Spain for non-EU and EU foreigners; Only if you are a national of an EU country you will not need a work permit and you will be able to live and work in Spain as a Spanish citizen.

3. Rent or buy a home?

You also have to decide if you want to rent or buy a home as soon as you set foot in the country. Obviously, if you are going to stay for three months, the rental option is probably the most appropriate. But if you want to stay and live, it may be better for you to buy a home. However, that decision depends on each particular case. It is advisable to rent a time before buying. Only in this way will you ensure that that city, town or region adapts to the life you want to have in Spain. A good tip is to rent first while you discover and tour the country. This will help you discover certain places where you can see yourself residing in the long term. There are many new residents looking for cities where there is already a settled international community, others are looking for the opposite and want to lead a life as similar as possible to that of a local person, for others nature and tranquility are the bastions they are looking for in their new life, others opt for well-connected regions, etc. You must be clear about what lifestyle you want to lead and find the right city.

The prices of houses in Spain, in general terms, are cheaper than in Central or Northern Europe, which is a stimulus to want to buy. Keep in mind that rental prices are lower compared to the big European capitals like Barcelona or Madrid. You should also know that coastal areas are usually more sought after and, therefore, more expensive, compared to those in inland regions.

Having said that, first of all, you have to take into account that the bureaucratic procedure associated with renting or buying is somewhat complex, even more so if you are a foreigner who does not know how to speak Spanish. The best thing in this case is to speak with a specialist lawyer to help you throughout the process.

4. Pay for tax residency

As you are about to become a permanent resident in Spain, paying your taxes is essential to obtain your TIE. If you spend more than 183 days a year in the country, you have already become a tax resident, which basically changes everything. It means that you have to pay income tax for all the salary you generate throughout the world in certain percentages ranging from 19% to 47%. However, Spain has signed agreements with many countries to avoid double taxation. That is, to avoid paying taxes in two countries. An expert lawyer in the matter is the person who can give you the best guidance and most reliable information.

Be careful not to take for good all the information that comes to you from other people (usually with good intentions) in Facebook groups. Many times it is wrong, it is outdated information that is not current or, simply, it was useful to that person but it is not valid for your specific situation.

5. Get healthcare

If you work in a Spanish company and you contribute a lot to Social Security, you will not need to take out private health insurance. But if this is not your case, then you should take out health insurance. The cost ranges between 50 and 100 euros per month and depends on your personal circumstances and the members of your family. Do not hesitate to go to an expert in the field if you have doubts.

However, if you are a legal resident working in Spain, you have the right to free public health care in Spain, which is also considered one of the best in the world.


Contact us

If you need help in your transfer from another country to Spain, do not hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts will make the whole process easy for you:


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